I started writing my weekly “Maximize Your Impact” posts as a response to YOU.

So many of my current and former clients, connections, and friends expressed a similar desire.

You wanted to sustain the momentum and inspiration you felt when you actually took time out for your own leadership and personal development.

You wanted some sort of regular reminder that would force you to pause and take time to self-reflect, even for a few minutes, about how to maximize your impact.

I write these weekly posts to do that for you.

To cause you to regularly take a few minutes out of your hectic life and focus on yourself.  To provide a vehicle for self-reflection and provide practical tips and questions to help you slow down and think about how you are maximizing your impact.

To that end– it’s your turn to tell me what you want to read about.

What development areas you are struggling with?

What do you need help with?

What areas of focus would help you the most?

What topics would be of most service to you?

What subjects would cut through the noise and cause you to stop and self-reflect?

Would you like to see more video posts, or are the written posts better for you?

Any other thoughts or ideas?

Please take a moment and respond to this post with your answers and thoughts. I want to continue to provide a free resource that serves as a valued reminder to you to pause, self-reflect, and MAXIMIZE YOUR IMPACT wherever you are.


Thanks for your feedback,
