Pick ONE Thing and Go All the Way

Are you full of new ideas that never get implemented? Do you suffer from your own lack of follow-through on your great ideas or dreams? A few weeks ago, I ran into someone I hadn’t seen in several years.  The last time I talked with him, he had had a self-described...

Are You Really Listening?

Do you think you are a good listener? A former executive colleague was stunned when she received feedback on a 360 assessment that most people surveyed didn’t think she was. “How is this possible?” she lamented, taking the feedback as hard as if she had been slammed...

A Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

Why does it take a dramatic event or experience in our life to get us to wake up and pay attention to what is really important?   I hear stories in my work every day from people who have made dramatic, needed shifts in their lives only after a sudden, world-rocking...