3 Empowering Mantras to Help You Create the Future

3 Empowering Mantras to Help You Create the Future

Are you feeling like a victim?  Perhaps you feel stuck and are having trouble moving forward? We are often victims of our own thinking patterns that prevent us from moving forward.  In this episode of “Ask Janet”, I discuss three simple mantras that shift...

How do I Judge Thee? Let Me Count the Ways…

Most of us like to think that we are open-minded.  We see ourselves as relatively open to new ideas, perspectives, and ways of doing things.  When I ask people in workshops or teambuilding sessions how “open” they think they are—very rarely do I get someone who...

Redefine Success on October 11-12, 2017

Several years ago, I was going over some leadership feedback gathered for a leader in a large organization.  As part of our coaching work together, we gathered feedback from her direct reports, her peers, and her boss and discussed the themes of the perceptions others...

5 Secrets of Wildly Successful Entrepreneurs

When you hear the stories of highly successful entrepreneurs, it is remarkable how the common themes responsible for their successes weave through all of their stories. What are some of these “secrets”? I had the recent pleasure (although some would say it was...