“It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.”
John Wooden
Here you’ll find resources to guide continuous learning along your leadership journey.
Educational Videos
Don’t Fall into the Authenticity Trap: Redefine Authentic Leadership
Being an “authentic” leader is something many of us strive to be. I often find that it can also lead us into what I call the “authenticity trap”, and be a gateway for our automatic, reactive, & less than desirable behaviors. In this 5-minute episode of “Power...
An Aloof-Proof Tip for Introverts
Do you get feedback that you come across aloof, unfriendly, unapproachable, or even cold to others? Do you find this feedback untrue but it just isn’t your nature to smile all the time or be boisterously engaging with others? In this Power Presence Make-over Moment...
People are Watching You: Power Presence Makeover Moment
Do you realize the impact of your unconscious actions and reactions? As a leader, everything you do and say is constantly being scrutinized and interpreted whether you are aware of it or not. In this video episode— I share a real life example of what I call a “ Power...
Inclusion: Simplified by an 11-year old
Inclusion is an important topic that we talk about a lot. At it’s core the premise is fundamentally simple and human. Even when we unintentionally exclude others, it has a lasting impact on their motivation and effort. In this episode, I talk to an 11-year old to...
Jumpstart Your Creativity With This Practice
Wish you were more creative but don’t think you’re the creative type? Creativity is not only for artists or poets. Nor does it require unusual innovation. In this 3 minute episode I offer one practice to tap into your natural inner creativity...Yes— you are naturally...
3 Tips to Be Less Defensive
Personalizing situations and becoming defensive takes away from our personal and leadership impact. It is a big detractor from our most powerful presence. In this 4-minute episode I offer 3 things to remember to help you be less defensive and not take things so...
2 Tips for Better Listening
The ability to listen deeply and intently is a critical part of connecting with others. Want to be a better listener? In this 5-minute episode, I offer two simple but impactful tips from my experience as a coach that will help. 2 Tips for Better Listening
The Authenticity Trap
Do you strive to be seen as "authentic"? Do you consider "authenticity" to be a badge of honor? In this episode, I discuss how authenticity can be a trap and what to strive for instead... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7zMQvgy6oI
Why “Fake It Until You Make It” Can Be Bad Advice
The advice, “Fake it until you make it” has become a common mantra in all types of women’s leadership programs and conferences. Women proudly pass on this advice to each other. While it can indeed be useful and good advice, it can also be detrimental if taken too far....

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