“Can you show yourself the same respect that you show your parents, your teachers and military leaders, your coaches, and your bosses? That’s the biggest challenge that most people have.”

If you’re trying to up your game in work and in life, you definitely don’t want to miss this episode.

I talk to Dre Baldwin, a former professional athlete turned author, speaker, and CEO and founder of Work On Your Game Inc. He  brings practical tips and insights for personal mastery in an inspirational style  that will help you with discipline, confidence, mental toughness, and more.

Our discussion highlights some of the keys to success in anything you are attempting to master in your life.

In this episode:

  • Dre’s journey from professional sports to ‘Work On Your Game’
  • Tips for mental conditioning and personal mastery
  • The influence of your environment and others
  • How to get yourself to do things you don’t want to do to get to where you want to be
  • Understand discipline and the importance of structure
  • Setting non-negotiable rules for yourself
  • Step into the Super You
  • Handling setbacks and failures
  • 3 requirements of a leader that elevates others 
  • And more!

Power Presence Academy: Practical Wisdom for Leaders is the go-to podcast for anyone who leads. Your host is Janet Ioli, leadership and human development expert, sought-after coach and advisor to global executives, and former executive with experience in four Fortune 100 companies. She helps leaders ground themselves with confidence, connection, and purpose and learn to lead with Less Ego, More Soul.


Noteworthy Quotes from This Episode

“The law of association. You become the people you spend the most time with. So, whether it’s 1 person or 100 people, you are influenced by their energy, you’re influenced by what they do.”

“Here’s what people don’t understand, and this is the big bridge: discipline is a result of a structure. When you have a structure, you will automatically be disciplined as long as you follow the structure.”

“I find that most people are capable of following non-negotiable rules when someone else sets those rules for them. But very few people set non-negotiable rules for themselves and hold themselves to the same standards that they allow others to hold them to.”

“That’s the most important thing that we need when it comes to confidence: is we need to give ourselves permission or use someone else as a proxy to give us permission to step into the person that we need to be.”

“I think the higher your ambition and the bigger your goals, the more time you’re going to spend having not reached them, and that’s just the way that it works.”


Resource Links: 

Dre Baldwin has had a nine-year professional basketball career playing in eight different countries. He’s the CEO and founder of Work On Your Game Inc., has given four TEDx Talks, and has authored 35 books, his content on social media has been consumed over 103,000,000 times.

For Dre’s videos and ‘Work On Your Game’ podcast go to @DreB on YouTube.

Check out the book where Dre talks about mental conditioning: Work On Your Game: Use the Pro Athlete Mindset to Dominate Your Game in Business, Sports, and Life.

Learn more about confidence and building confidence in Dre’s book: The Super You: Unlocking and Living With Your Highest Level Of Confidence.

Connect with today’s guest on LinkedIn: Dre Baldwin

If you want to become more grounded, confident, and aligned with your deeper values in just 21 days. Check out my book Less Ego, More Soul: A Modern Reinvention Guide for Women.

If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review on Apple PodcastsSelect “Listen in Apple Podcasts,” then choose the “Ratings & Reviews” tab to share what you think.  

Connect with Janet Ioli:

Linkedin: Janet Ioli

Instagram: @janetioli

Website: janetioli.com

Janet is the founder of Power Presence Academy.  She helps leaders ground themselves with confidence, connection, and purpose and lead with Less Ego, More Soul.


Produced by Ideablossoms