Does childhood trauma impact leadership in organizations?

Rarely is this topic discussed, which is why I’m eager to bring this episode to you today. 

To discuss this complex topic, I invited Kelly Campbell, trauma-informed leadership coach and author of the book “Heal to Lead”. Kelly shares her personal journey of healing from childhood trauma and how that inspired her to do the work she does now.

Trauma is something we’ve all encountered in one form or another.

These past experiences of trauma can, and will, influence our behavior, emotions, and decision-making in our current leadership roles.  

Kelly emphasizes the importance of developing self-awareness to recognize trauma-based patterns and reactions. She also provides strategies for trauma integration, including somatic work, plant medicines, and other modalities.

Kelly argues that trauma-informed leadership can lead to better long-term results and sustainability for businesses.

In this episode:

  • Unconscious impacts of childhood trauma on leadership 
  • Developing self-awareness to recognize trauma patterns 
  • Trauma-informed leadership through supportive environments
  • Strategies for trauma integration
  • And more!

Power Presence Academy: Practical Wisdom for Leaders is the go-to podcast for anyone who leads. Your host is Janet Ioli, leadership and human development expert, sought-after coach and advisor to global executives, and former executive with experience in four Fortune 100 companies. She helps leaders ground themselves with confidence, connection, and purpose and learn to lead with Less Ego, More Soul.


Noteworthy Quotes from This Episode

“Anytime that you outsource self-validation, it’s a losing proposition.” -Kelly Campbell

“When trauma happens, it’s unintegrated energy or information.  In order to reincorporate or re-integrate that information […] we have to start to get curious.” -Kelly Campbell

“I don’t say safe spaces, because safety is subjective. But you’re creating a supportive growth environment so that people feel like they can be themselves and bring their authentic nature to the table.” -Kelly Campbell

“I think of trauma integration as the new competitive advantage.” -Kelly Campbell

“People want to work for people who are healing, actively healing leaders, because they model a different way.” -Kelly Campbell


Resource Links: 

Kelly Campbell is an author, speaker, and coach helping leaders heal from trauma for improved leadership. In her book “Heal to Lead, Kelly shares how her own experiences with childhood trauma unconsciously shaped her leadership style as an entrepreneur, and how deeper healing work led to greater self-awareness and success. Her work aims to make trauma-informed practices the new competitive advantage for organizations.

Heal to Lead by Kelly Campbell

Connect with Kelly:


Linkedin: Kelly Campbell

Instagram: @kelly.l.campbell

If you want to become more grounded, confident, and aligned with your deeper values in just 21 days. Check out my book Less Ego, More Soul: A Modern Reinvention Guide for Women.

If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review on Apple PodcastsSelect “Listen in Apple Podcasts,” then choose the “Ratings & Reviews” tab to share what you think.  

Connect with Janet Ioli:

Linkedin: Janet Ioli

Instagram: @janetioli


Janet is the founder of Power Presence Academy.  She helps leaders ground themselves with confidence, connection, and purpose and lead with Less Ego, More Soul.


Produced by Ideablossoms