Power Presence Academy: Leadership with Less Ego and More Soul Podcast
Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and armed with the insights and tools you need to lead with less ego and more soul. Whether you are a seasoned executive or an aspiring leader, Power Presence Academy is your gateway to mastering the art of leadership. This is more than an ordinary leadership podcast. We explore not only game-changing advice from executives and experts, but also the seldom discussed spiritual and psychological elements needed to lead the way forward and change the world.
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Latest Podcasts
E17: How To Increase Your Leadership Charisma Immediately
“Often, we think [charisma is] this elusive quality that you are born with. But what we think is an elusive magical gift is actually something that research tells us can be learned.”If you long to be more charismatic, you won’t want to miss this episode. I’m going to...
E16: Insider Advice for Women Leaders Interested in Running for Public Office with Elena Christopoulos
“Even though more women are getting into politics, it's still not an even playing field.”In this episode of Power Presence Academy, I talk to Elena Christopoulos, a commissioner in the city of Santa Monica, California whose goal is to get more women in politics. Elena...
E15: One Tip to Help You Be a More Inspiring Leader
“What I know for sure from working with organizations for the past two decades is that we have overlooked the importance of selecting leaders who have the ability to inspire others.” Inspiring others is a big part of a leader’s job. If you haven’t been thinking about...
E14: Leading Yourself: 4 Strategies To Get Your Groove Back
If you're like me and most of the leadership coaching clients I work with, you know too well what it feels like to lose your groove and to feel so overwhelmed and burnt out that you're no longer excited about what you're doing.In this episode, I’ll share with you 4...
E13: Leadership Lessons from an Engineer turned Executive with Katie Selbe
“Leadership skills are not something that you're born with. You really have to learn and grow into that field.”According to my guest on this episode, no- one is born a leader. We learn, we grow, and we earn the privilege to lead. In this episode, I talk to Katie...
E12: Leadership Presence Starts With Being Fully Present Everywhere You Are
Do you aspire to be more fully present, but find it a challenge to actually do so? You may try your best to be a better listener, but find yourself talking to someone in your office distractedly thinking about the next meeting on your calendar. You may even...
E11: What Women in Leadership Need to Know About Pursuing Board Positions with Dita Shemke
As a female executive—what do you need to know about corporate board positions? And how do you go about pursuing one? In this episode of Power Presence Academy, I talk to Dita Shemke about what women in leadership need to know about pursuing board positions. Dita is...
E10: Mastering Difficult Conversations with Executive Vice President Emily Debeniotis
Do you feel uncomfortable when you are faced with having a “difficult” conversation with someone at work? You are not alone. According to Bravely’s composition of workplace surveys,70% of employees are avoiding difficult conversations at work. The implications of...
E9: One Secret to Build a Powerful Network with Zoey DeWolf
“Networking really isn't about selling yourself. It's about making connections.”Do you hate networking? If you think of networking as selling yourself and meeting people to “get” something, it can certainly feel inauthentic and uncomfortable.In this episode, I talk...