Power Presence Academy: Leadership with Less Ego and More Soul Podcast
Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and armed with the insights and tools you need to lead with less ego and more soul. Whether you are a seasoned executive or an aspiring leader, Power Presence Academy is your gateway to mastering the art of leadership. This is more than an ordinary leadership podcast. We explore not only game-changing advice from executives and experts, but also the seldom discussed spiritual and psychological elements needed to lead the way forward and change the world.
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Latest Podcasts
E34: The Essence of Leadership with Joseph Jaworski, Part 1 of 2
“I mean, there are thousands of books on leadership, but this is my view of it. If you ask me, ‘Well, what is leadership? What is embodied leadership or generative leadership? I would say it's the capacity to create new realities.” Join me and Joseph Jaworski today in...
E33: From Reactive to Creative Leadership with Bob Anderson, Part 2 of 2
“Our backs are against the wall. What we're witnessing is the failure, the implosion of the current order, which is run by the current order of mind. There's an emergence that's happening. So, the kind of leadership that I'm describing as Integral is required now....
E32: From Reactive to Creative Leadership with Bob Anderson, Part 1 of 2
“The world is facing a leadership crisis. We need leaders of greater effectiveness and integrity, mastery and maturity, courage and compassion, competence and character, consciousness and wisdom. Our collective welfare organizationally and globally depends on our...
E31: How To Be a More Objective Leader
“While many of us describe and see ourselves as objective and non-judgmental, the reality is probably closer to the opposite.” The assumptions and resulting judgments you make about any given person or situation may be fundamentally flawed and you probably don't...
E30: 5 Tips to Lead a Remote Workforce Effectively
“Becoming more intentional about building rapport and deeper relationships when people are not in front of you takes a bit more thoughtful planning on your part. I'm here to tell you the potential results are worth the effort.” With the growing acceptance of flexible...
E29: What Leadership Really Is with Blake Bullock
“No matter how technical or how extremely complex a role or an organization might be, it just never seems to fail that such a huge fraction of your day and your career in leadership is about people.” In this episode, you’re in for a treat as I talk to Blake Bullock,...
E28: Winning Leadership Strategies of Successful Women Leaders with Julia Boorstin
“We are in a moment of transition right now from a business leadership standpoint. I think that the pandemic really shed a light on the importance of the skills and strengths that women leaders tend to have.” In this power-packed episode, I talk to Julia Boorstin,...
E27: The Impostor Phenomenon and 3 Strategies to Overcome It
“Even people at the highest levels of authority and success experience self-doubt, feelings of inadequacy, and feeling like a fraud.” These feelings can serve as obstacles to grounded self-confidence and continuous learning for many of my executive coaching clients....
E26: Lessons For a Better Life with Dr. Marshall Goldsmith
“Never place your value as a human being on achievement. Why? For two reasons, one, you do not control all the outcomes and, two, how much lasting satisfaction does it bring anyway?” In this episode, I talk to Dr. Marshall Goldsmith. Marshall Goldsmith has been ranked...