Leadership Presence:
Mastering The Inner Work Of Leadership

Embark on a transformative journey with Janet Ioli, a powerhouse in leadership and human development, as she and her guests unveil the secrets of career success and soulful leadership that drive change. 

In each episode, Janet, a sought-after coach and advisor to global executives, and a former executive with a track record in four Fortune 100 companies, becomes your host and guide through a path of leadership inspiration and knowledge.

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Latest Podcasts

E55: What Real Dialogue Is with Susan Taylor

E55: What Real Dialogue Is with Susan Taylor

“Dialogue is not about a conversation. It involves conversation. [...] Dialogue is actually a way or a state of being.” In this episode, it's my pleasure to have Susan Taylor with us. She is a professional facilitator and coach and the CEO of Generon International, a...

E54: The Trifecta of Burnout with Christina Maslach

E54: The Trifecta of Burnout with Christina Maslach

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E52: The Power of Conscious Use of Self in Leadership

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