3 Mindshifts to Help You Rock Public Speaking

3 Mindshifts to Help You Rock Public Speaking

In this premier episode, I discuss a common dilemma my clients often report.  “How do I get over my fear of speaking in public?” I present three negative thought patterns that feed the fear and provide three simple mindshifts to use as mantras to help...

3 Mindshifts Successful Leaders Make

My latest article in Forbes: If you’re like most of the leaders I work with, you are considered a high achiever. You take pride in doing what you do and you do it well. You are conscientious, smart, hard-working and you take personal responsibility for the high...

How do I Judge Thee? Let Me Count the Ways…

Most of us like to think that we are open-minded.  We see ourselves as relatively open to new ideas, perspectives, and ways of doing things.  When I ask people in workshops or teambuilding sessions how “open” they think they are—very rarely do I get someone who...

The Secret to Making a Successful & Lasting Change

Most of the leaders I work with are either in the midst of a major job transition from one role to another with more scope and responsibility, or are trying to make a change of some sort. A change in their day-to-day behaviors, their interpersonal relationships, how...

Leading Change? Don’t Forget this Part…

You are a senior leader in an organization and have been newly promoted into an executive role.  You have been rewarded for your incredibly hard work, strategic thinking, initiative, limitless energy, and “can-do” attitude.  You are told that you are just the right...