One Simple Tool to Help You Manage Stress Now

As a result of my long-time personal interest and my recent certification in health and wellness coaching, I have made an attempt to continue to learn as much as I can about the latest practices in the area. I attended a unique 3-day workshop this past weekend with...
One Secret to Giving Impactful Feedback

One Secret to Giving Impactful Feedback

Want to deliver feedback more effectively? As an executive coach, I spend a good part of my day delivering feedback to people. There is one simple mindset shift you can make in your own mind that will allow you to be more effective in delivering feedback to others. It...
Are You “Socially Intelligent”?

Are You “Socially Intelligent”?

We talk a lot about emotional intelligence—but what about “Social Intelligence”? We all like to think that we have good interpersonal skills and that we are way beyond the basics of how to interact with others effectively. Yet everyone can relate to this example...