“Listening to yourself takes courage, because sometimes you may not like what you hear.”

Have you ever had something happen to you that feels like a signal from the universe, but you just dismiss it as meaningless?

In this episode, I want to talk about the notion of listening, but listening from a very different vantage point than you’d expect. As leaders, we often talk about listening to others, but today we are talking about the art of listening to yourself. Your own deep wisdom is talking to you all the time, you just need to take the time to hear it. We are so conditioned to look for the rational that our deeper knowing and intuition is dismissed or ignored.

In this episode:

  • The importance of deeply listening to yourself
  • Embracing your true potential
  • How to listen to your inner wisdom
  • And more!

Power Presence Academy: Practical Wisdom for Leaders is the go-to podcast for anyone who leads. Your host is Janet Ioli, leadership and human development expert, sought-after coach and advisor to global executives, and former executive with experience in four Fortune 100 companies. She helps leaders ground themselves with confidence, connection, and purpose and learn to lead with Less Ego, More Soul.


Noteworthy Quotes from This Episode

“Your own deep wisdom is talking to you all the time. The problem is, we have to learn to recognize the voice of our own deep wisdom, and not confuse it with all those other voices that have taken us hostage.”

“I realized that I had not been fully listening to the wisdom already available to me if I would just stop hard enough, and long enough to hear it.”

“What I’m here to do is to help people look inside themselves and find gold. Find magic.”

“What messages from deep within you are you ignoring?”


Resource Links: 

If you want to become more grounded, confident, and aligned with your deeper values in just 21 days. Check out my book Less Ego, More Soul: A Modern Reinvention Guide for Women.

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Connect with Janet Ioli:

Linkedin: Janet Ioli

Instagram: @janetioli

Website: janetioli.com

Janet is the founder of Power Presence Academy.  She helps leaders ground themselves with confidence, connection, and purpose and lead with Less Ego, More Soul.


Produced by Ideablossoms